PE at Callowell
We aim for all the children at Callowell Primary School to live active and healthy lives. Our intention is to expose the children to a wide variety of different active pursuits in order for them to find the one they will want to pursue into adulthood. They also develop the concept of a personal challenge, implementing the will and desire to improve and achieve their own personal best.

We are incredibly fortunate to have such an amazing site with a large hall, a playground big enough to feature two netball courts and a large field which at different times of the year hosts multiple football/rugby pitches, rounders courts, archery ranges and eight lane athletics tracks. This means we have the luxury of being able to choose the most suitable venue for whatever activity we are doing.
Our typical curriculum lessons are complemented by a range of external experiences such as expert yoga and tag rugby coaching and supported by enrichment activity days such as climbing, caving, archery, streetdance and zumba.
In addition to their curriculum PE, we offer a wide range of after-school clubs which have included Archery, Athletics, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics/Dance/Drama, Rounders and Tag Rugby for KS2 and Archery & Multi-Sports for Key Stage 2.

Additionally, we have hosted an external club for Tennis.
Details of how this is funded can be seen in the PE Premium reports.